Consultation on Police Budget

While central government grants make up around 53% of the total funding, the remaining portion comes from local taxpayers through the Police Precept element of Council Tax bills. It’s therefore really important that we hear the views of local residents before the Police and Crime Commissioner proposes the budget for the year ahead, setting the amount that residents will have to pay.

To gather these views, we have set up a simple survey to seek feedback on several options for the Precept level from anyone who lives within Warwickshire.  We want as many residents as possible to take part and give their feedback, so any help you can give spreading the word among your local community will be much appreciated.

You can find full details of the survey at: – please do complete yourselves and encourage others to do so before it closes towards the end of January.  I have also attached a copy of a poster that could be displayed on community noticeboards to help promote the survey.  Any assistance you can give to help ensure we get as many responses as possible from across Warwickshire will be much appreciated. 

The survey will run until at least mid-January, with the final budget proposals being made in early February.

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