Carers Rights Day, 26 November 2020

Warwickshire County Council is supporting the Carers UK national campaign Carers Rights Day to raise awareness about the needs and rights of those who regularly care for family, friend, or neighbour. The theme for this year’s campaign is Know Your Rights.

An informal carer is anyone who looks after a family member, friend or neighbour who could not cope without help. Those needing care could be anyone with a physical or mental illness, injury or disability or someone who struggles with substance misuse. People with caring responsibilities not only provide personal care but can also provide emotional support. Those who care can be any age; a child helping a parent or sibling, parents looking after a child with a disability or illness or an adult looking after a parent, partner, friend or neighbour. Those who care are particularly strained this year with the current pandemic.

In Warwickshire there may be well over 108,000 carers according to GP data. It is also estimated that 4 out of 5 adults will care for someone at some point in their lives and 8 out of every 10 carers are working as well as caring.  Many people with caring responsibilities do not see themselves as carers but just helping family or friends. As a result, they may not seek help until it’s a crisis. Warwickshire County Council supports the rights of carers and wants to ensure that:

  • Carers are aware of their rights
  • Carers know where to get help and support
  • Everyone is aware of the needs of those who care.

Please see the following helpful resources:

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