Autumn News and Events at Farnborough Village Hall
TAI CHI – Tuesdays 13 Sept, 27 Sept and 4 October 7pm £6 each, qualified instructor, beginners most welcome.
HARVEST SUPPER Monday 3rd October 7.30pm, tickets £8 to include a hot 2 course supper, no speaker and of course the ever popular and lively auction of produce and other tempting items at ridiculous prices. Call Fiona on 690039 or Anna on 690723
TABLE TOP SALE Sunday 9th October 11am – 2pm Hire a table for £10 and turn unwanted items into cash or just come along for a real bargain, many well-known brands available. No admission fee. Call Pam on 690170
SKITTLE NIGHT Saturday 15 October 7pm to include hot snack supper £10 per person children under 14 years free. Tickets from Pam, Kathy or Anna
AGM Village Hall – Monday 31st October at 7.30pm. A short meeting to update everyone on the year’s events with wine and cheese after, please let us have your ideas and interests for the coming year, we would love to see you.
CHURCH CAROL SERVICE Thursday 15th December at 7pm