There will be an election for the Member of Parliament for Kenilworth and Southam on 7th May. Please see the full notice for details of nominations, postal and proxy votes:
Monthly Archives: March 2015
Parish and District Council Elections
An election is to be held on May 7th 2015 for five parish councillors for Avon Dassett and one district councillor for the Red Horse ward, Stratford-on-Avon.
More details may be found here: Notice of Election AD 23rd March 2015
Nomination forms may be obtained from the Clerk to the Parish Council or the Returning Officer at Elizabeth House, Church St, Stratford-on-Avon and returned no later than 4 pm on April 9th 2015.
For information on becoming a parish councillor and the duties, knowledge and skills required see here.
Extraordinary Planning Meeting and Planning Decisions
There will be an Extraordinary Planning Meeting in the Reading Room at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 7 April 2015.
This is to discuss the following planning application (full details may be found on the Planning pages of the website):
Application(s) reference: 15/00411/OUT
Proposed: Outline application for the change of use of land from agriculture to residential and the erection of 5no. dwellings, including 2no. affordable, along with access to be determined (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent approval)
At: Land To North Of Lime Cottage , Church Hill, Avon Dassett, Warwickshire CV47 2AE
For: Mr Nick Paxton
There have also been two recent decisions on local planning issues: