Farnborough Rural District Council

The usual meeting of the above Council was held on Thursday, Mr. W.J. Weld in the chair. There were also present – The Rev. J. Howell and Messrs. R. Brown, A. Spencer, R.H.A. Holbech, W.H. Jarvis, A. Fairfax (clerk), and G. Elkington (surveyor).


The Clerk said that with reference to the appointment of Mr. Dawson as Inspector of Nuisances, he had had a letter on the 21st of April from the Local Government Board in reply to one which he had sent to them. In this letter the Board said that as Mr. Dawson intended to carry on his business as surveyor, under those conditions it would be necessary for Mr. Dawson to give an undertaking that his duties as sanitary inspector should not in any way interfere with his private work. He (the Clerk) wrote to the effect that Mr. Dawson would give the undertaking and the Board had agreed to the appointment of Mr. Dawson at a salary of £24 per annum, and they agreed to the appointment from the 3rd of April 1915 to the 29th April 1916. They were not prepared to sanction the appointment of Mr. Dawson as a permanent officer as he was engaged in private practice, and that he should continue to hold the office from year to year, subject to the appointment of the Board.

The Council agreed to the course proposed.


The Clerk read some correspondence with reference to a road conference in London in connection with the Municipal Engineers’ Institution, but no action was taken in the matter. The Clerk said the balance in hand was £271 3s. He read a letter from the Radway Parish Council calling attention to the condition of a drain across the allotments.

The matter was referred to the surveyor.

The Clerk read a letter with regard to the analysis of the water in the well at Farnborough, which had been made by Messrs. Bostock Hill and Rigby, the county analysts for Warwickshire. The letter said that the water appeared bright and clear, but it contained many small particles of a nature which showed that the water contained a great quantity of fresh and oxidised organic matter, the bulk of this being undoubtedly derived from sewage, so that in its present condition it could not, in their opinion, be considered safe for use for drinking purposes.

Mr. Holbech expressed surprise at the letter, and said that as the well was a quarter of a mile away from houses there could be no possible contact with sewage.

The Clerk – It may have been left in the well after it was cleaned out.

Mr. Holbech – It has been cleaned out three or four times, and the people who use the well seem satisfied with the water. There have been no complains, Mr. Elkington?

The Surveyor – The people seem satisfied.

Mr. Holbech remarked that the letter did not contain the usual information to be found in an analysis. It was simply a general statement.

The Rev. J. Howell – Tell them that it is impossible for sewage to get into the well.

Mr. Spencer – I think that might be done.

The Clerk – Now that Mr. Dawson has been appointed we might hand the matter over to him.

Mr. Spencer – It seems rather hard on the owners of the well.

The Clerk – They say, “It can’t, in our opinion, be considered safe for drinking purposes”.

Mr. Holbech – They don’t think it was better than it was before. They have not sent a proper analysis showing all the constituents of the water.

The Inspector suggested that there should be an independent analysis.

The Chairman – A sample might be sent to a private analyst.

The Clerk – It might be sent to Mr. Fisher, who is the recognised analytical authority for Oxfordshire.

It was agreed that the inspector send a sample of the water to Mr. Fisher on behalf of Mr. Holbech.

The tender of Mr. Edwards to do the labour on the Radway roads for £15 was accepted, on the motion of Mr. Spencer, seconded by Mr. Holbech.


Mr. Brown said that in accordance with notice which he had given some months ago, he moved that the sanitary inspector prepare a scheme such as that suggested by the committee when they met at Radway to consider the drainage of the village. The inspector would put the scheme on paper and would be able to give them some idea as to the probable cost. He understood that this would be a special charge on the parish.

The Chairman – Certainly.

Mr. Brown – Naturally enough the inspector will make a special charge for preparing the scheme.

Mr. Holbech seconded the motion, which was carried. He asked if Mr. Dawson had been to Radway over the matter.

Mr. Brown – Not yet.

The Clerk – I will give Mr. Dawson an idea of what the committee suggested should be done.

Mr. Brown suggested that Mr. Howell and himself should meet Mr. Dawson at Radway.

The Inspector thanked the members of the Council for the appointment which they had conferred upon him, and said he should endeavour to do his duty. He said that some of Mr. Smith’s books were practically filled up and he would require to get new ones, which the Council sanctioned.

He said that Mr. A.J. Hartley, of Oak Cottage, Farnborough, had applied to be registered as a milk seller. He got the milk from Mr. Boddington and sold it in the village. The application was granted.

He reported a large number of defects in cottages in a number of the villages, and steps will be taken to remedy what was complained of.

This was all the business.

Banbury Guardian, May 1915

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