Category Archives: Timeline

War Munitions

The Labour Bureau in Parson’s Street (the County Fire Office) is the centre for persons to apply for war munition volunteers. Skilled workers in engineering and kindred trades, if not already engaged on war contracts, should enrol at once.

Banbury Guardian, July 1915



Oxfordshire County Committee for the Purchase of Forage for HM Forces

Chairman: Mr J. G. Abraham (Chadlington). Mr L. B. Akers (Black Bourton), Mr Milton Harris (Little Haseley), Mr R. W. Hobbs (Kelmscott), Mr J. P. King (North Stoke), Mr G. Mansfield (Hethe), Mr H. W. Stilgoe (Adderbury), Mr F. W. Young (Broughton)

The Farm Produce Committee for the County of Oxfordshire wish to impress upon all farmers that it is their patriotic duty to offer the War Office, and at once, all the hay they can possibly spare of the new crop, before they attempt to sell it to anyone else.

A remunerative price will be paid by the War Office for all purchases made, and arrangements will also be made to advance a portion of the cash value of the purchase if required.

A list of stacks that Farmers have available for sale should be forwarded as soon as possible either to the Secretary or to the Members of the Farm Produce County Committee.

Howard Sammons, Secretary

19, George St, Oxford

Banbury Guardian, July 1915

Sale On Monday Next

Arnold’s Farm, Radway and Kineton

Important Unreserved Sale of

43 Head of FAT and STORE CATTLE


Small collection of IMPLEMENTS, Dung Cart, 2 Cake Crushers, 2 Chaff Machines, 12 Zinc Sheep Troughs, 7 Ladders, 2 Sheep Racks on Wheels, 5 Pair Oak Gate Posts, Gears, Tools etc. also

140 Acres of Valuable GRASS KEEPING and MOWING GRASS with Hay to go off and the lattermath up to September 29th 1915.

To be sold at auction by


On Monday July 5th 1915, by direction of the Exors. of Mr John Griffin.

Sale at the Farm Premises at 2 o’clock.

The Cattle are very fresh, strong beasts, many fit to kill; Sheep nice weights; Implements useful; the Keeping on good feeding land full of keeping, the Mowing fair crops.

Catalogues at the Shop, Kineton and of the Auctioneers, Banbury, Byfield and Bicester.

Banbury Guardian, July 1915

Fenny Compton Wharf To Let

To Let, with immediate possession, the old-established BUSINESS PREMISES known as FENNY COMPTON WHARF, late in the occupation of Mr R. G. Brown, deceased and comprising the spacious Wharf on the Oxford Canal with large Grain Warehouses, Stabling and Loose Boxes, Coachhouses, Cart Sheds, Piggeries etc. Commodious Dwelling House with entrance hall, three reception rooms, 6 bedrooms and 3 attics, bathroom and w.c., kitchen, scullery and domestic offices, picturesque garden, tennis lawn, orchard and cottage, situate on the main road from Southam to Banbury. For full particulars apply on the premises or to Messrs Margetts and Sons, Warwick.

Warwickshire Quarter Sessions

Warwickshire Quarter Sessions were held in Warwick, Mr J. S. Dugdale presiding. There was only one prisoner and the Chairman, commenting on this, said the average for the past three years had been a dozen. He hoped the others who would have come were across the water doing their duty for their country.

Lord Leigh submitted a report of the Prison Visiting Committee, and said there was a marked diminution of crime. This quarter the total committals were only 128, against 384 in the corresponding quarter last year. Two hundred and nine former boys of Weston Reformatory were at the front, and 155 from Harborne Industrial School.

Banbury Guardian, June 1915

Local Town & Country Notes

Lady Mostyn (of Talacre) and Sir Charles Mostyn have arrived on a visit to Bitham House, while alterations are being made to their house in North Wales. Lady Mostyn has since the war began, entertained a large party of Belgian refugees at Talacre Hall and has given up half the house for their comfort, which has been much appreciated.

Banbury Guardian, June 1915