All posts by margaretmaughan


Sir J. French reports the repulse of further violent attacks on Ypres with great destruction from British shrapnel. French advance continues with conspicuous success. The large fort of Notre Dame de Lorette, the cemetery of Neuville St. Vaast and a whole system of trenches in front of Loos being captured, while the Belgians crossed the Yser, north of Dixmude.

In the Dardenelles the Allied forces capture several lines of trenches near Krithia.

Anti-German riots break out in London and several large provincial towns, also in South Africa.

Banbury Guardian, May 1915

The War Budget

Below are the outstanding points in Mr Lloyd George’s War Budget speech in the House of Commons on Tuesday:

No change in existing taxation. Income tax, super-tax, tea and sugar duties as laid down last November.

New beer, spirit, and wine duties likely to be abandoned.

Sinking Fund to be suspended during the war.

Present daily cost of the war just short of £2,000,000.

New taxation probably in the autumn, including a tax on war profits.

National expenditure for 1915-16, if war ends September 1915, £790,458,000.

National expenditure for 1915-16, if war ends March 1916, £1,136,000,000.

The past financial year shows a “steady increase in the consumption of whisky” since last November.

Of the extra tobacco revenue last year £1,000,000 is attributed to the smoking by soldiers in camp, and by the gifts of tobacco to the men of our Army in France.

£3,000,000 of the increase over the estimate of receipts since last November from the spirit duty is due to forestalling.

Banbury Guardian May 1915


Further German attacks on Ypres repulsed with heavy loss.

The French capture the fortified farm of St. Georges and capture more prisoners and munitions north of Arras.

Zeppelin raid on Southend kills a woman and destroys several houses.

Berlin admits the success of the Anglo-French attach in the west.

Banbury Guardian, May 1915


A combined Allied movement takes place in the western area, the British First Army gaining ground towards Fromelles, while to the north of Arras the French carry a series of German trenches and capture a large number of prisoners and some guns. German attacks east of Ypres are all repulsed.

Banbury Guardian, May 1915

Fenny Compton & Kineton – Announcement of Sale


Comprising the House and Premises, Large Coal Wharf, Commodious Warehouses, Offices and Cottage, with 43 acres of land at Fenny Compton Wharf: Five Cottages in Fenny Compton Village: Stone Wharf and the Depot with Stabling Warehouse and Offices at Kineton, also the Goodwill of the Old Established Business, which will be sold at Auction by John Margetts & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Banbury on Thursday May 27th 1915 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will be then be read.

Solicitors – Messrs Stockton, Sons, and Fortescue, Banbury.

Auctioneers’ Offices – 12, High Street, Warwick.

Banbury Guardian May 1915


Admiralty announced that destroyer Maori was mined off coast of Belgium and crew and rescuers from Crusader captured.

In the western area an attack on the British near St. Julien is repulsed and the French carry a strong German position to west of Lens.

In the eastern area the German advance in Western Galicia continues, the Wisloka being crossed near Krosno.

Banbury Guardian, May 1915

Fenny Compton Parish Council

Annual Meeting

At the annual meeting of the Parish Council Mr White moved and Mr P Knight seconded the re-election of Mr Knott as chairman. In returning thanks, Mr Knott said if there was any friction he would give them his word he would not run away from the meeting. Mr Pollard was re-elected vice-chairman. Mr Kingerlee was re-elected clerk, and Mr Pollard was re-appointed treasurer, with a vote of thanks for his services.

Mr Arthur White said he had carried out the duties of overseer for a large number of years gratuitously, but the work had increased so much that he could not undertake it again under old conditions. Messrs A E Knott, J Pollard and A J Knight were then appointed overseers. The question of appointing an assistant overseer was deferred.

A letter was read from the Warwick Postmaster stating that the Council’s application for a telephone service had been sent to the telephone manager at Coventry. Some discussion ensued relative to an earlier delivery of letters, but no action was taken.

Banbury Guardian May 1915