Belgian Refugees at Fenny Compton

A meeting has been held to consider the ways and means of keeping a Belgian refugee family at Fenny Compton. The following committee was formed: the Rev. G Savile, Mrs Savile, Mrs Guest-Brown, Mrs Dickens, Mrs Elkington, Mr Pollard and Mr Thomason. Promises have been received of a £1 a week, as long as the family lived there, and furniture and £1 1s has been offered for furnishing a cottage – which has been handed over to the committee for that purpose, free of charge – by Mr G Cotterill.

Banbury Guardian, October 1914

2 thoughts on “Belgian Refugees at Fenny Compton”

  1. Hello,

    I am French and I think that the father’s family was in Fenny Compton during the first War. This family was Belgian and their name was SCHEERS. Can you Hell me ?

    Thanks in advance


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