
Admiralty announced that German submarine U-29 had been sunk with all hands.

Russians captured an important Austrian position in the Lupka Pass in the Carpathians.

At a conference between representatives of the Government and Amalgamated Society of Engineers an agreement was come to whereby labour troubles might be avoided and the output of war munitions increased.

Banbury Guardian May 1915

Farmers and Labourers Wages

Mr Richard Lean of Kineton, writes that at a general meeting of the Stratford-on-Avon Farmers’ Union a long discussion took place on the question of labourers’ wages and every speaker without exception stated either that he had already raised the wages of his men or that he was proposing to do so. Opinion was unanimous that such a course was in the best interest of agriculture.

British Farmers Red Cross Fund

The following sums were raised:

Arlescote, per C. Gibbs

  • A. Seage £2
  • Miss Seage £1
  • A. Pratt 10s.

Warmington, per C. Gibbs

  • G. E. Stranks £5
  • E. Elkington £1
  • C. Gibbs £1
  • Miss Stranks £1
  • F. Bawcutt 10s.
  • G. Pearson 10s.
  • Hedley Waldron 10s.
  • J. Plummer 5s.
  • C. Taylor 5s.
  • Friend 5s.

Farnborough, per C. W. Griffin

  • W. G. Waldron £5
  • Frank Tweedale £2 2s.
  • R. H. A. Holbech £1 1s.
  • H. A. Strange 10s. 6d.
  • C. W. Griffin 10s.
  • Mr and Mrs T. Griffin 7s. 6d.
  • Miss A. and Frank Griffin 7s. 6d.
  • Thomas Walker 5s.


Farnborough Rifle Club

At the return match between Warmington and Farnborough, Warmington won by two points.


Farnborough – G. Horner, 28; G. Howes, 34; S. Smith, 28; W. Walter, 30; J. Riches, 18; R. Youens, 19; F. Sturt, 27; Rev. T. J. Cartwright, 23; J. Gore, 38; E. Page, 32. Total, 267.

Warmington – F. Wyatt, 34; A. Wyatt, 28; V. Grose, 27; W. Hawkes, 27; C. Gibbs, 25; J. Hawkes, 15; Rev. R. P. Wilcock, 27; C. Bloxham, 30; F. Bawcutt, 25; O. Cleaver, 27. Total, 269.

110th Avon Dassett Parish Council Meeting, Reading Room, 7 pm

Parish Councillors


Wilfred J Weld – Chairman

George H Stranks – Vice Chairman

Henry Wadland – Parish Councillor

John Abbotts – Parish Councillor

Harry Keyte – Parish Councillor


Accounts included:

County Fire Officer 3/-

Employer Liability Assurance 2/- 6d.

Audit Stamps (WJW) 5/-


Mr Harry Keyte was made one of the signatories in place of the late William Mason.


Annual Parish meeting set for 29 March.


Chair authorised to buy an accounts book & stationery 5/- 3d.

Avon Dassett Parish Council, Minutes, 1915

Kineton Ratepayers Association

A special meeting of the members was held on Wednesday week for the purpose of nominating a Guardian and Rural District Councillor for Kineton. Mr J. Fisher the present member having signified his intention of resigning. Mr J. E. Coles presided. A letter was read from Mr Parke regretting that he was unable to be present, as he should like to have strongly supported the re-election of Mr Fisher, for he had done good work. Mr Fisher had studied the interests of the inhabitants, and had worked efficiently and persistently to promote them, and with success. Mr Fisher outlined what had been done during the two years he had been in office, and noted the improvements in the housing question, the Little Kineton corner, &c. For business reasons, and also because he thought such offices should go round, he wished to resign, and he proposed that Mr J. W. Evans be nominated. This was seconded and duly carried. Mr Fisher paid tribute to the Hon. Mabel Verney’s work, especially as a Guardian. A nomination paper on her behalf was also signed. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to Mr Fisher for his work.