Walter George Cooper joins the Royal Warwickshire Regiment

On August 25th 1914 Walter George Cooper, a groom aged 20, enlists with The Royal Warwickshire Regiment at Scarborough.

Walter George Cooper Enlistment
Walter Cooper’s Short Service Enlistment Paper

Walter is the son of George, a carter, and Emma his wife. In the 1911 Census he appears in the household of Grazier, Thomas Acland Madge of Chapel Street, Southam as a groom and gardener.

Walter Cooper 1911 Census
1911 Census showing Walter Cooper working as a servant (groom and gardener) in the household of Thomas Madge




Kineton Show Abandoned

Warwickshire Hunt

Kineton Show Abandoned

The committee of the above show was called together at the Red Lion Hotel, Kineton, on Wednesday-week, to consider the propriety of abandoning the show under the present circumstances. Lord Willoughby de Broke presided. After discussion it was decided not to hold the show this year owing to the war.

Banbury Guardian, August 1914

Farnborough Rural Council

Mr W. J. Weld (of Avon Dassett) presided at the meeting on Thursday and there were also present – Messrs. Ridley Brown, A. Spencer, W. H. Jarvis, H. Barfield (acting clerk), G. Elkington (surveyor) and J. Smith (inspector).


Mr Barfield said that the balance in hand amounted to £233 13s

The Radway Drainage Question

Mr Barfield read a number of letters with reference to the drainage situation in this village.

The Census of Traffic

The Clerk read a letter from the Warwickshire authorities to the effect that the proposed census of traffic on the roads had been postponed.


The Surveyor said that with regards to the drainage at Farnborough he did not know what Mr Beanford was going to do with the upper part, but he (the Surveyor) had seen Mr Duuckett with regard to what the Council had ordered at the lower part. The drain would require to be trapped.

The Inspector said that he had sent a notice to Mr Gwyer with regard to the ditch at Radway.

The Inspector reported that a case of tuberculosis in a cow had been reported on Mr Fox’s farm at Radway.

Abstract of Accounts of the Receipts and Payments for the above Rural District Council for the half-year ending 31st March 1914

Balance in hand 30th September 1913 123 19 2  
From Overseers in respect of general expenses 92 16 2  
Grant under Agricultural Rates Act, 1896 102 13 9  
From County Council in respect of salaries of Medical Officer

of Health and Inspector of Nuisances

22 0 0
Rebate on renewal of Workmen’s Compensation Scheme 0 1 5  
Total 341 10 6  



Maintenance of district roads 165 7 10
Salaries (Highways) 15 0 0
Fees for lists of births and deaths 1 1 2
Fee for analysis of water 1 1 0
Share of expenses of cleaning out cesspool at Radway 0 10 0
Salaries of officers (Public Health) 39 10 0
Establishment charges 8 16 4
Compensation to the late Clerk of late Kineton Highway Board 3 19 8
National Health Insurance, Employers Contributions 0 6 11
Balance in hand at 31st March 1914 105 17 7
Total 341 10 6


Dated 10 August 1914

Arthur Fairfax, Clerk to the said Council

Banbury Guardian, August 1914

Oxfordshire County Council’s Circular to Parish Councils

In view of the present position of affairs the Oxford County Council have issued to parish councils a circular drawing the attention of small-holders, allotment holders and others to the desirability of sowing and planning every available piece of land without delay, with such crops as there may still be time to sow before the autumn. It is essential, it states, that the food reserves of this country should be as large as possible to meet any emergency which may arise in the near future, and it sets out the following crops which may be grown at once:

Cabbages – for early spring and summer use. Varieties such as Flower of Spring, April and Imperial.

Turnips – early six weeks and other quick growing varieties, such as Orange Jelly or Early Snowball; good keeping varieties such as Red Globe and Green Globe.

Beetroot – Turnip-rooted, Red Globe and Egyptian.

Carrots – Early Horn or Stump-rooted varieties.

Onions – both early and late varieties.

Potatoes – carefully selected seed of the earliest varieties, provided the weather is fairly open, may be expected to give about half an average crop.

Other useful Crops which may be sown are Cauliflowers (requiring winter protection), Dwarf Beans (in a cold frame or on a south border), Brussels Sprouts, Spinach, Lettuce and garden varieties of Swedes.

Surplus plants of any varieties of cauliflowers, broccoli, savoys, kale, cabbages, leeks and late celery should be planted.

The Red Cross Society

A meeting of ladies was held yesterday afternoon, under the presidency of Mrs Molyneux. The meeting had been called for another purpose, but in consideration of the international crisis, the gathering devoted its attention to ways and means of assisting the Red Cross Society, and the wives and families of the men who have been called to the colours. The following announcement has been handed to us:-

In view of the critical situation, it is proposed to hold a special meeting of all those in Banbury and the neighbourhood interested in the Red Cross work and in the work of the Soldiers and Sailors Families Association, to be held in the Town Hall, Banbury on Tuesday August 11th at 2.30 pm. (Signed) CAROLINE MOLYNEUX, VALERIE A. NORTH, SALISBURY A. C. ROTHE, MARY PEMBERTON, FREDERICA BEATTIE, FRANCES HOSKYNS, H. BEATTIE (Commandant No. 4 Detachment), N. D. PENROSE (Commandant No. 30 Detachment), SYDNEY J. MAWLE (Assistant County Director).

Banbury Guardian, August 1914

How News of War was Received

On Thursday it was apparent that a crisis had been reached. Banbury market reflected the condition. Farmers asked for an increase of 5s. for their wheat, and buyers were nervous. As a result but little business was done and no sales were reported officially with the result that the Inspector of Corn Returns has been unable to issue an official average. The other local corn markets of the weekend showed similar conditions and local markets may be said to have been paralysed.

At all the places of worship on Sunday prayers for peace were offered and in many places special reference was made to the crisis. At the Grimsbury Brotherhood a resolution was passed recording the desire of the members to strengthen the strenuous efforts that England was making to limit the area of conflict, maintaining their own peaceful relations with the nations of Europe and preserving their freedom to act for peace as opportunity offered.

Increasing interest was placed in the special telegrams posted at the Banbury Guardian Office. On Sunday and Monday they were awaited and read with anxious interest, especially Sir Edward Grey’s statement in the House of Commons on Monday, while each day since our office has seldom been for more than a short time without a crowd of people anxious for the latest information.

On Monday at midday, the Territorials returned from the camp at Marlow, whither they had gone the previous day with instructions to await mobilisation orders. The Order in Council calling out the Army Reserve and embodying the Territorial Force was issued during Tuesday and the copy posted at the Town Hall became another centre of interest.

The streets on Tuesday presented an exceedingly animated appearance. All day a crowd occupied the streets shopping or awaiting the latest news and distributing it. The ordinary householder had awakened during the weekend to the possibilities of the conflict as regards food supply and there was a general rush to lay in stores. A few prudent housekeepers had, in the latter days of last week, stocked an increase of necessities, but on Tuesday there came a greatly enhanced demand both here and in the country generally.

On Tuesday the provisions were obtained at only slightly increased prices, but by last evening (Wednesday) very many of the articles had, owing to the general demand, increased considerably. People have been buying absurdly and laying in stores for months ahead in some cases, with the result that they have exhausted the stocks and forced up the prices. It seemed the general opinion that a fall would accompany the repletion of stocks and a saner feeling among purchasers.

Yesterday morning the town awoke to the realisation of the most serious development, viz. the declaration of war by Britain against Germany. The local squadron of Yeomanry concentrated in the town at an early hour, and the two companies of the 4th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry paraded at the Drill Hall. A large crowd collected to see them depart for Oxford, which they did at about eleven o’clock.

On all sides the seriousness of the war is recognised and an excellent spirit is shown. Differences of party are sunk before the national emergency, and it is gratifying to record that in this town and neighbourhood the same unanimity has to be recorded as is shown throughout the Empire as a whole.

Banbury Guardian, August 1914

The Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars

Banbury was early astir yesterday (Wednesday) morning. Heavy rain fell for some hours and it was still falling at seven o’clock when the Banbury Squadron of Yeomanry began to assemble. From that hour onward, the Drill Hall in Crouch Street presented a busy appearance. Dr Tisdall Johns was busy medically examining the yeoman as they arrived. The Yeomanry will remain in the town at least four days. The Red Lion Hotel has been made the headquarters, and the officers there are Major, the Hon. Eustace Fiennes M.P., Captain Fell, Lieutenant G. Fiennes, Lieutenant Wilfrid Pepper (who motored from Devonshire), and Lieutenant Keith Falconer. Lieutenant Leslie Scott is exempted through illness. The Woodstock Squadron has broken up and the men of that squadron are sent off to Oxford, Henley and Banbury. Major F. Churchill will take over the Banbury Squadron and Major Fiennes will become second in command of the regiment. The horses are coming in well and there are very few men who have not yet reported themselves and most of these are already on their journey and are accounted for. Up to last night 100 officers and men were billeted in the town.

Banbury Guardian, August 1914